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eSquared Church Leaders Seminars

These day-long "encourage and equip" seminars are held at the Pepperdine campuses in Irvine and San Jose throughout the year. Topics and speakers vary.

Pepperdine Guest Speakers

The Office of Church Relations provides a variety of faculty/staff who are available to preach at area congregations on specific topics or as occasional guest speakers. Contact the office at 310.506.4270 or church.relations@pepperdine.edu for your request.

Thriving in Ministry: Sanctuary Cohorts

The Office of Church Relations has received a grant from the Lilly Endowment to participate in their Thriving in Ministry Initiative, an effort to help ministers working in their congregations flourish in their roles as pastoral leaders. Each year, a small cohort of Church of Christ ministers from a specific region are selected to participate in a year-long program under the direction of Mike Cope.

Thriving Congregations: Restoration Initiative Cohorts

The Office of Church Relations, with a generous grant from the Lilly Endowment Fund, seeks to help church leaders (elders and ministers) empower their congregations to thrive in their communities. Each year, a cohort of Church of Christ church leaders from a specific region are selected to participate in a year-long program under the direction of Mike Cope.

Compelling Preaching Initiative

The Office of Church Relations, with a generous grant from the Lilly Endowment Fund, seeks to help active and aspiring preachers communicate about God and faith in ways that are more compelling for contemporary hearers, inspire those sitting in the pews of congregations, reach non-churchgoers, and invite others to proclaim the gospel. Through yearly cohort groups, it addresses the isolation many preachers experience, allowing them to develop friendships and become a collaborative learning community. The program is overseen by Mike Cope, director of ministry outreach, and university chaplain Sara Barton serves as the assistant director for the grant.

Youth Ministry Network

The Youth Leadership Initiative team provides retreats for area youth ministers twice a year (Fall and Spring) to provide education and fellowship.


Harbor Recordings

Ìý 2023: "God Loves Forever"


Ìý 2022: "No Other Jesus"


Ìý 2021: "Resilient Faith: A Day of Renewal for Church Leaders"

Ìý 2020: "Called and Sent: The Vital Role of the Church"

Curriculum Ìý| Ìý Ìý|

Ìý 2019: "A Broken Hallelujah"

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Ìý 2018: "The Spirit-Filled People of God"


Ìý 2017: "Spiritual Rhythms: Scrolls for Robust Salvation"


Ìý 2016: "Cruciformed: Living in Light of the Jesus Story"


Ìý 2015: "FaithWorks"


Ìý 2014: "Enter the Water, Come to the Table"


Ìý 2013: "Can I Get a Witness? Faithfully Following the Lamb in Revelation"


Video Library

YouTube Channel:Ìý

Jeff Walling:

Charla Griffy-Brown:

N.T. Wright:Ìý

Sharon Hargrave:

Dusty Rubeck:Ìý

John Mark Hicks:Ìý

N.T. Wright:Ìý

Ministry Jobs Database

The Office of Church Relations provides an online board for churches to post openings for ministers in any position. To add a position, click on the link below and fill in the pertinent information for that role. The posting will be uploaded within a week.

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